The Truth Behind The Question: Are Dust Mite Sprays Effective

The reason why dust mites are extremely harmful to people, especially those suffering through allergies, is that they excrete on the mattresses and pillows of people along with carrying out other life functions. The excrements in turn contain harmful proteins that increase and speed up the allergic reactions in patients. Furthermore, the mites love to feed off of dead skin cells which are found in plentiful amounts on beds and their covers. Those looking for an effective way out often end up asking: are dust mite sprays effective?

Chronic headaches, coughing and sneezing, and severe asthma attacks are all symptoms and problems that can occur for allergy sufferers.  A lot of patients fail to recognize the fact that many of their health problems are continuously being caused by dust mites and in doing so, they end up spending  time and money on doctors and medications that maybe they did not need.

What the doctors recommend is to keep the environment of the house clean and hygienic. One should focus on some key areas which are prone to welcoming mites and other insects. These include carpets, bedding, clothes and furniture. After all, the golden rule of curing any problem is to first take steps in preventing its occurrence.

People who opt for the sprays as the solution have the option of choosing from a few that are proven to be effective. The most popular products are manufactured by Alakline Labs. They have been making ADS Anti-allergen Spray for 15 years and ADMS spray for about 8 or 9 years now. Both of these products have been proven to be effective against animal dander, pollen and dust mite allergens.

Moving on, for the mattresses and bedding, there are exclusive cleaning options available. These include in-wash additives which are used during laundry sessions. The use of portable steam cleaners on the mattress is another option. Word of caution, make sure the mattress is dry before covering if you use steam.

Are dust mite sprays effective as allergy control products is a commonly asked question and the answer is yes. However, just like everything else they may be only on part of the solution. dms03