Dust Mite Spray Keeps The Allergens Away

Dust mite spray is a simple and effective way to combat airborne allergens in your home.  While dust mites tend to accumulate in beds and bedding, they can also be found on just about every fabric surface including carpets, draperies and upholstered furniture.  A protective anti-allergy cover may work for bedding but these other surfaces require different measures.

Allergic reactions are triggered by proteins in dust mites, mold, animal dander and pollen.  When those proteins come in contact with the mucus membranes in your body, they can result in uncomfortable symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, wheezing and coughing.  In most cases, once an allergen has been identified, the obvious response is to try and eliminate it.

Since most allergens are microscopic and numerous, it is almost impossible to remove them entirely.  As a result, they can accumulate, particularly on fabric surfaces.  This is when it becomes necessary to rely on dust mite spray and other allergy fighting products.  It is the best way to render your home allergen free and reduce chronic allergy symptoms.

While allergy covers can be used on mattresses, box springs and pillows to prevent allergens from reaching your body in the first place, the same is not true for other fabric surfaces.  In the case of draperies, carpets and furniture you need to implement a different form of attack that will work effectively without the cost of replacing everything you own.

Dust mite spray, such as Allersearch ADMS is the answer to your allergy problem.  This unique product works by neutralizing the protein in dust mites and other substances that causes allergies.  A quick misting with ADMS will work where even expensive professional cleaning comes up short.  That’s because even the most thorough cleaning will never remove all the potential allergens from a fabric surface.

But ADMS is designed to render surfaces safe in just one application.  It won’t remove the dust mites, but it will prevent them from triggering allergic reaction.  And because it contains a mixture of non-toxic alkalis and acids, it is safe to use on just about any fabric and won’t harm pets or children either.   It’s the quick, easy way to combat allergies with proven results.

Using dust mite spray is not time consuming, a light misting once a month is usually all that’s necessary.  And there’s no need to soak the fabric.  Just lightly coat it and let it dry naturally.  You can vacuum either before use or after the spray dries to complete the process.  That’s literally all there is to it.

When you consider the cost of completely refitting your home with furniture, drapes and carpet, there’s really no reason not to give allergy sprays like ADMS a try.  It’s much cheaper and will allow your whole family to breathe easy.   Don’t let allergens put a crimp in your wallet, try anti-allergy spray and start living allergy free without the added expense!

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