Recognize The Symptoms of Dust Mite Allergies

Dust mite allergies are one of the most common forms of allergy known to man.  That’s because dust mites tend to multiply at a rapid rate and they generally tend to congregate in places where humans spend a great deal of time, specifically mattresses and pillows.  For this reason, it is almost impossible to avoid these tiny pests and exposure to the allergens they produce.

What are the symptoms of dust mite allergies?  They run the range from itchy, watery eyes to runny nose and sneezing.  Basically, all of the common symptoms that people generally tend to relate to allergic reaction.  The problem is that many of these symptoms mimic those of the common cold, so it is hard to know whether your symptoms are being caused by a cold or allergy.

If you find yourself suffering from nasal congestion, cough or wheezing on a regular basis, chances are good that you have an allergy.  Dust mite allergies will often present more prominently in the morning, after you’ve spent all night in an infested bed.  If you have allergy symptoms that persist for more than a week at a time, you might want to consider taking steps to try and remedy the situation.

This is particularly true for individuals with asthma and other respiratory ailments.  What are the symptoms of dust mite allergies in people like this?  They can include wheezing, whistling when you breathe, chest tightness and difficulty sleeping.  Left untreated, these symptoms can become dangerous and even life threatening.

So if you have dust mite allergies, what can you do to control the situation and prevent symptoms?  It is almost impossible to completely remove dust mites.  They are too small to be seen with the naked eye and they tend to burrow down into the stuffing of mattresses and pillows and even into box springs, so that simple vacuuming is ineffective.

If you’ve wondered What are the symptoms of dust mite allergies and want to avoid them, your best bet is using specially designed allergy control covers.  These are fabric covers that can zip on and off mattresses, box springs and pillows to provide an extra layer of protection between you and the dust mites.  Because the allergy covers have extremely small pores, even tiny dust mites won’t be able to penetrate, giving you a clean, allergen free surface to sleep on.

Another helpful tool in fighting dust mite allergies are sprays such as Allersearch ADMS Spray.  These products are designed to remove dust mites and other allergens from fabric and the air so that you can literally breathe easier knowing your house is allergen free.   There are specific types of sprays made especially for carpet, drapes, furniture and other surfaces, depending on your individual need.

You can’t easily avoid allergens, but there is no reason to become a prisoner to them.  With specially designed allergy control products, you can render your home clean from the inside out and keep your entire family free from unpleasant allergy symptoms.  Take the proper steps to block allergens today and say goodbye to the sneezing and wheezing for good!

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